
5 Myths That Keep You from Hiring a Web Designer

Tyler Dease
Tyler Dease
August 18, 2024
5 minute read
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As a business owner, you’ve probably thought about hiring a web designer but felt a bit hesitant to take the plunge. That’s totally understandable!

The thought of investing in a web designer can seem overwhelming, and you want to make sure your money is well spent and actually brings you results.

There are some common myths about professional web design that keep a lot of people from making that investment. Below, I’ll tackle some of those misconceptions and show you just how worth it hiring a web designer can be for your business’s online presence.

Myth 1: A Web Designer Will Be Too Expensive

An image of two $100 bills against a purple background.


A lot of business owners think hiring a web designer is just too expensive. They often feel like web design is a luxury only big businesses with deep pockets can afford, which can leave small businesses feeling like their options are limited when it comes to a website.


Sure, while it’s true that some web designers charge top dollar, the reality is that there are plenty of options out there to suit various budgets.

Many web designers and agencies offer different packages, allowing you to choose one that aligns with your financial situation and goals. Basic services can start at just a few hundred dollars, while more extensive offerings can easily run into the thousands, depending on the complexity of your needs.

It’s important to remember that a well-designed website is more than just a digital presence: it’s an essential tool for your business. Having a professional website can really set you apart from your competitors, which is more important now than ever.

Furthermore, don’t overlook the additional services that many web designers provide! These can include valuable features such as SEO services (search engine optimization), custom branding, copywriting, and ongoing support, all of which can significantly enhance your return on investment.

A well-crafted website doesn’t just attract more visitors: it has the potential to convert those visitors into loyal clients, thereby making it a worthwhile investment in the long run. When you consider the impact a good website can have on your business growth and client engagement, the expense can be justified.

In the end, investing in web designer who knows what they’re doing is an investment in your brand’s future success and sustainability.

Myth 2: DIY Website Builders are Just as Good as a Web Designer

An image of a mockup of a website home page made in Squarespace.


With all the DIY website builders popping up like Wix and Squarespace, a lot of people think they can create a site that’s just as good as one made by a web designer. These platforms are easy to use, so anyone can get the hang of it.  


While DIY website builders can be useful for creating basic sites quickly, they often lack the flexibility and depth that a creative and experienced web designer can provide.

Customization is key in today’s competitive online landscape, where standing out is crucial. Remember that a professionally designed website isn’t just about aesthetics: it’s about creating an experience and impression that resonates with your target audience.

A good web designer will take the time to understand your business, your audience, and your unique selling points. This personalized approach ensures that your website reflects your brand’s essence, values, and mission, making it far more engaging than a cookie-cutter template.

A good web designer also understands the importance of properly setting up on-page SEO, something that might be hard to do yourself if you don't know what you’re doing. They ensure that elements like meta tags, headings, and content are optimized for search engines, enhancing your site’s visibility. While certainly achievable, optimizing these elements on your own can be significantly more challenging without the expertise of a web designer.

In addition to aesthetics and on-page SEO, user experience (UX) is a vital element of successful web design. A well-structured site with intuitive navigation keeps visitors engaged and encourages them to explore more of what you have to offer.

Unfortunately, it’s pretty easy to mess up a site’s structure and layout, and that can mean losing potential clients. Visitors aren’t going to stick around on a poorly designed site long enough to become paying clients. The good news is that a web designer who knows what they’re doing can create a site layout that will keep website visitors engaged and avoid this pitfall altogether.

So, while DIY options may seem appealing for their cost-effectiveness, the long-term benefits of partnering with an experienced web designer truly outweigh the initial savings.

Myth 3: My Business is Too Small to Need a Professionally Designed Website

An image of a woman sitting cross legged and talking to someone via a laptop.


Some business owners—especially solo entrepreneurs—think their business is too small to need a professionally designed website, believing that only bigger businesses can benefit from having one.


The truth is that businesses of all sizes can really benefit from having a professionally crafted website.

Even if you're running a small practice or flying solo as an entrepreneur, a site designed by a professional web designer can help you connect with more people, build trust with potential clients, and make those client interactions a lot smoother. Plus, a well-made website can give your local SEO a nice boost, making it easier for nearby clients to find you—super important for small businesses that rely on local clients!

In today’s digital world, having an online presence is almost a must, especially for small businesses. Think of your website as your digital storefront: it’s your chance to show off your services and products to a global audience.

For small businesses, this kind of visibility can really change the game, helping you reach clients beyond your immediate area.

And don’t forget about client testimonials and success stories! Featuring those on your site can go a long way in building trust and credibility with potential clients. With the right design and features, your website can also offer helpful resources like blogs, FAQs, or tutorials, which positions you as an expert in your field while keeping your clients engaged.

Investing in a professional website can lead to higher conversion rates and more growth, helping small businesses compete in a crowded market. In a world where first impressions count, having a polished, user-friendly website can really help your small business stand out from the competition.

Myth 4: I Can Handle Web Design Myself

An image of a man working on a laptop.


Some business owners believe they can handle website design themselves, especially with the availability of online tutorials and resources. They think they can save money by doing it all on their own.


You might think learning the basics of web design is easy, and while this can absolutely be done, if you want to create a website that’s effective, SEO-friendly, and user-friendly, you really need some expertise and experience.

A poorly designed website can actually hurt your brand and push potential clients away, which obviously isn’t great for your business!

That’s where skilled web designers come in. They know how to create websites that are not only visually appealing but also super user-friendly and optimized for what you need. They focus on functionality as much as aesthetics to boost user experience.

Great web designers get the ins and outs of design principles, usability, and SEO, making sure your site shines in all areas. Plus, they can build a site that’s strong and scalable as your business grows.

What’s even better is that a professional designer keeps up with the latest trends and technologies, helping you stay ahead of the game. The digital world changes fast, and having someone who knows the current design trends can really make a difference in how effective and engaging your site is.

If you try to design and build a website yourself, it can take a ton of time and be super frustrating—especially if you’re not tech-savvy. With so many choices out there for platforms, layouts, and content, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. This can really distract you from running your business and providing top-notch services to your clients, which can impact your profits.

By hiring a web designer, you save time and effort while still making sure your website is high-quality. A web designer can also provide ongoing support and maintenance, keeping your site fresh and functional over time.

All of this lets you focus on what you do best—growing your business and serving your clients—while they take care of the web design and create amazing digital experiences.

Myth 5: Professional Web Design Takes Too Long

An image of a hand holding a small alarm clock.


A lot of business owners stress that hiring a web designer will greatly postpone their website launch. They worry the whole process will be long and complicated.


While professional web design can take some time, it doesn’t have to drag on forever.

A good web designer has their processes down to a science, allowing them to create high-quality websites efficiently. They know the ins and outs of managing projects and use various tools to keep everything organized and on track.

When you’re searching for a web designer, it’s super important to find someone with a solid process, which makes it more likely that they’ll be able to execute and deliver on the different phases of your project on time.

Good communication goes a long way—it helps everyone stay on the same page and work together smoothly. Good web designers set clear milestones that can really boost the workflow, making sure everything runs without a hitch and any bumps in the road are handled quickly.

Plus, a talented web designer isn’t just about making things look good. The good ones can also manage development—the actually building of a website—and some can even also handle website copy and branding too!

This all-in-one approach saves you time and energy, letting you focus on other crucial parts of your business, like planning for growth, building client relationships, or launching new products or services.

By investing in a pro web designer, you’re freeing yourself up to chase your business goals while ensuring your online presence is effective and engaging!

What’s next?

Hopefully now you can see some of the big advantages of hiring a web designer for your business.

If you’re feeling more confident about investing in your online presence, great! My advice is to start researching and reaching out to different web designers to discuss your needs and goals.

If you’re in the alternative health and wellness space—whether you’re an integrative doctor, coach, chiropractor, or something else—and are interested in potentially working with MindBody Digital, just fill out the contact form to set up a roadmapping session or ask a question, and let’s connect!

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