
Why MindBody Digital Charges for Roadmapping

Tyler Dease
Tyler Dease
September 8, 2024
5 minute read
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Unlike many freelancers and agencies in the creative space that offer free initial consultations that barely scratch the surface, my business, MindBody Digital, offers paid roadmapping sessions that not only help us assess if we’re a good fit to work together but also deliver real, actionable value from the start—whether or not you ultimately decide to work with MindBody Digital on your project.

If you’re wondering why I’ve chosen to go this route—and why it’s actually more effective than a typical free consultation—this post will walk you through the benefits and show you how a roadmapping session goes far beyond a standard consultation.

What Typically Happens in a Free Consultation

A photo of a man wearing headphones and talking to a woman via a video call on his laptop.

A free consultation offers a brief, focused meeting—usually around 30 minutes—designed to gain a high-level understanding of a client’s needs and explore potential solutions. In these sessions, both you and the freelancer or agency engage in an initial discussion to lay the groundwork for any future collaboration. These consultations are typically structured to provide:

  • An introductory discussion of your goals and needs, where the freelancer or agency listens carefully to your initial requirements and objectives.
  • General insights without a full strategic plan, offering a broad overview rather than an in-depth analysis, as the session’s brief nature limits comprehensive assessment.
  • An opportunity to understand what the freelancer or agency can offer, where they may share their expertise, past achievements, and the potential advantages of partnering with them.

These sessions offer a chance to build rapport, explore the freelancer or agency’s approach, and determine whether there is a good fit for further engagement.

Limitations of Free Consultations

While free consultations can help establish an initial connection between a client and a freelancer or agency, they often don’t go very deep, potentially leaving clients with remaining questions and no or few clear next steps or actionable strategies. Here are some common limitations:

  • Lack of personalized strategy: Free consultations tend to stay at the surface level, offering general insights rather than in-depth, customized strategies tailored to the client’s specific needs.
  • Focus on assessing fit, not delivering value: These sessions are usually designed to determine if there’s a good working relationship, meaning they prioritize compatibility over providing concrete solutions.
  • No detailed direction: Clients often leave without a specific plan or actionable steps, which can lead to uncertainty about how to proceed, leaving progress on hold until a more in-depth discussion or engagement takes place.

To be clear, free consultations aren’t a bad thing at all: they serve a specific purpose, don’t cost any money, and don’t take much time. All I’m highlighting is that they have limitations.

What is a Roadmapping Session?

A very close up photo of a red push pin stuck in a map.

In contrast to a free consultation, a roadmapping session is an in-depth, strategic planning experience focused on creating a detailed plan of action—a “roadmap”—tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Here’s what you can expect from MindBody Digital’s roadmapping session:

  • Comprehensive Discovery: We dive deep into your vision, needs, goals, challenges, and target audience to ensure we understand every aspect of your project.
  • Detailed Planning: Together, we outline your project’s scope, timeframe, and budget, ensuring everything is aligned with your objectives.
  • Actionable Recommendations: You’ll receive specific, strategic insights on branding, website structure, and content strategy, providing you with clear steps to take.
  • Valuable Documentation: After the session, you’ll receive a detailed roadmap that can be shared with anyone you choose to work with, giving you a clear path forward to ensure long-term success.
  • Primary Focus on Value: While the session will help us assess fit, its main objective is to provide you with immediate, actionable value—whether or not we work together on your project. The goal is for you to walk away with something concrete and useful, right from the start.

Roadmapping vs. Free Consultations: Key Differences

A photo of a woman sitting on a coach and talking to a man wearing headphones via a video call on her laptop.

As already discussed, the differences between a roadmapping session and a free consultation are pretty big. Here’s a quick side-by-side breakdown of the key differences:

Depth of Analysis

  • Free Consultation: Provides a quick, basic overview of your needs, often focusing more on the service provider’s pitch.
  • Roadmapping: Offers a detailed exploration of your business, audience, goals, and challenges, ensuring a fully customized approach.


  • Free Consultation: Offers no detailed plan or actionable steps, as the session is primarily about assessing fit.
  • Roadmapping: Provides a complete action plan for success, with clear next steps and tailored recommendations you can implement right away.

Investment of Time and Effort

  • Free Consultation: A short session (usually 30 minutes or less), focused on a general conversation.
  • Roadmapping: A bigger time commitment (typically 1-2 hours) dedicated to digging into project specifics and providing real insights.

Value Delivered

  • Free Consultation: Primarily aimed at identifying whether there’s a fit for further services.
  • Roadmapping: Delivers immediate value through strategic direction, timeframe, discussion about budget, and personalized recommendations—whether or not you decide to move forward with MindBody Digital for the project.

Why MindBody Digital Charges for Roadmapping

A close up photo of half of a $100 bill against a purple background.

Time and Energy Investment

A roadmapping session requires a notable investment of time and energy, which is a key reason why it’s a paid service.

During the session itself—typically lasting 1 to 2 hours—the entire focus is on fully understanding your unique needs, challenges, and goals, ensuring a thorough exploration of every aspect of your project.

The work doesn’t end there, though.

After the session, additional time is spent preparing your custom documentation, which includes a detailed roadmap and strategic recommendations based on our discussion.

Tangible and Intangible Value

Beyond the custom documentation—which you’re free to share with anyone—the roadmapping session provides you with a sense of clarity and confidence. By the end of the process, uncertainty is reduced, and your project is positioned for greater success.

With a clear plan in place, you’ll have the direction and confidence needed to move forward and achieve your goals.

Addressing Common Questions

A photo of a magnet in the shape of a question mark stuck to a pink surface.

“Why pay for something I can get for free elsewhere?”

While free consultations can provide a basic overview, they rarely dive deep into your project or offer tailored strategies.

A roadmapping session, on the other hand, results in a tangible, customized action plan that addresses your specific needs, challenges, and goals. Rather than leaving with generic advice, you’ll walk away with a detailed, actionable strategy that can be implemented immediately—whether you work with MindBody Digital or another provider.

The value lies in the personalized, long-term plan that’s designed to move your project forward with clarity and confidence.

“A consultation is just to see if we’re a good fit, so why charge?”

While determining fit is definitely part of the roadmapping session’s purpose, its primary focus is on delivering immediate, actionable value and ensuring your project is set up for success from the start.

Unlike a free consultation, the roadmapping session goes into far more detail, diving deep into your project’s needs, goals, and challenges. This allows for a thorough assessment of fit while also providing you with a customized roadmap and clear next steps for your project’s success—whether you decide to move forward with MindBody Digital or work with another provider.

Because of the notable time, expertise, and analysis involved, the roadmapping session is a paid service, delivering much more than what a free consultation typically offers.

“What if I just want to see if we’re a good fit and don’t need all the other benefits?”

The roadmapping session is actually a more effective way to determine fit than a free consultation because it goes beyond surface-level conversations. By diving into the details of your project—such as your goals, scope, and specific challenges—we’re able to gain a thorough understanding of what you need and how we might work together. This process allows both of us to see if our working styles, communication, and expectations align, which is difficult to accurately gauge in a short, general consultation.

Additionally, while assessing fit is part of the session, the real value comes from the detailed insights and strategic direction you’ll receive. Even if you’re only concerned with determining fit, the in-depth discussion we have during the roadmapping session will give you a clearer picture of how we’d collaborate and whether it’s the right partnership for your project. You’ll also walk away with concrete recommendations and a roadmap, which can help guide your next steps—even if you decide that MindBody Digital isn’t the best fit for you.

“Isn’t $100 a lot for an initial meeting?”

The $100 fee covers far more than just the session itself: it reflects the time, energy, and expertise that go into the entire process.

During the roadmapping session, we take an in-depth look at your project’s goals, challenges, and scope, which allows for a tailored strategy to be created for you.

Afterward, additional time is spent preparing custom documentation, which includes a detailed roadmap and actionable recommendations that you can implement immediately. This documentation serves as a comprehensive plan designed to guide your project to success, providing long-term value well beyond the initial meeting.

In essence, the fee represents not just a meeting, but an investment in a strategic action plan that offers clarity and direction, ensuring your project is set up for success from the start. Whether you choose to move forward with MindBody Digital or not, you’ll walk away with valuable insights and a clear path forward.

What Now?

Hopefully, now you have a clear understanding of why MindBody Digital charges for roadmapping sessions and how a roadmapping session differs from a free consultation.

If you’re interested in a roadmapping session, just fill out the contact form, and you’ll receive an email with further instructions on setting up your session. Together, we’ll dive into the details of your project, and you’ll walk away with a clear, actionable plan that sets you up for success.

Whether you move forward with MindBody Digital or take your roadmap elsewhere, you’ll be equipped with insights and a strategy to confidently guide your project.

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